Online course
Video-based Listening Comprehension Tasks for Undergraduate and Graduate Students in Sciences
Целевой пользователь – Target user
Студенты 1-4 курсов бакалавриата и частично 1-2 го года магистратуры физических и других естественнонаучных специальностей университетов.
Цели – objectives
Формирование эффективных навыков восприятия на слух (аудирования) контента профессиональной направленности
формирование навыков самостоятельной работы и самоконтроля усвоения знаний.
Типология заданий – Types of tasks
Task 1 – Multiple matching | Task 2 – Sentence completion | Task 3 – Multiple choice | Task 4 - Summary of the video in English | Task 5 - Summary of the video in Russian (L1) | Pronunciation Practice |
The focus is on the skill of listening for general gist. The task is to match an option (a heading or a text paragraph) to the correct video. There are six short related videos, of approximately 50-90 seconds each. The multiple-matching questions require selection of the correct option from a list of eight | The focus is on testing the ability to listen for specific words or phrases focusing on detail or/and specific information from a 2-3-minute video. The 7 questions in this part take the form of incomplete sentences. The questions follow the order of the information in the video. The task is to watch the video and complete the sentences. Answers will not exceed three words in length. The word or phrase they require will be heard on the video and will not require any change. | The focus is on testing the ability to listen for main idea and specific information based on a 4-5-minute video. The seven questions in this part take the form of 3-option-choice questions. The questions follow the order of the information in the video, and are presented in such a way that they either rephrase, report or summarize the ideas being expressed. | The focus is on testing the ability to summarize the information presented in a 3-5-minute video. It can be a video either in English or in Russian but the task is to summarize it in English. The emphasis is on rephrasing, organization, coherence and cohesion. | The focus is on testing the ability to listen for main idea and summarize in Russian (L1) the information presented in a 2-4-minute video. Such skill can be of great practical use in the future professional career. | The focus in this task is on practicing correct pronunciation of the international words and false friends from each video in Tasks 1-5. Students often mispronounce international words because they tend to transfer phonetic characteristics of these words from their native language (L1) to English. |